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Right time of a body contouring after massive weight loss

To achieve a major weight loss is a huge success and certainly, a reason to celebrate. Even after having achieved their weight loss goals, many people struggle with excess skin after that significant weight loss.

Therefore, many people plan post-weight loss body contouring procedures as a part of their journey. The key is to plan your procedure to maximize your results.

The ideal time for body contouring after major weight loss may vary depending on the patient\\\\\\\’s circumstances. In general, is recommended to wait until the weight has stabilized for the last months before considering the body contouring procedure. This is because significant weight fluctuations can affect the results of the procedure.

Additionally, it is important to maintain healthy eating habits to make sure that you are fueling your body with the nutrients needed to properly heal and recover.

The primary goal for most people is to remove the sagging skin excess. With the addition of liposuction, your procedure could also address small areas of stubborn fat that often accumulate in areas like hips, waist, love handles, etc. However, procedures do have limitations and is important to have clear and realistic goals about what you can and cannot do before moving forward with plastic surgery.

It is also important to consult with a qualified plastic surgeon like Dr. Mallol to determine the appropriate timing for your specific situation. Dr. Mallol can evaluate your medical history, and current health status and explain your options to help you decide which procedures might be right for you.  


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